BeautyBright+ Vitamin Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream Pro

Rs. 1,700 Rs. 2,200

Let’s hear what our wonderful

and satisfied customers are saying:


"This eye cream is amazing! I have really dark skin around my eyes and have bags under my eyes from the lack of sleep I get from being a mom to 3 kiddos. I have been trying many different creams that help with the darkness and hole. Most of them provide relief when I'm applying the cream but are not long lasting.

This stuff really works! I could instantly feel the relief from the cream as I worked it in and the relief didn't go away. My eyelids are staying moisturized as well. In the couple of weeks that I've been using this product I've noticed the rejuvenation in my eyes. A little bit of this cream goes a long way.

I'm very happy with this product and its price. This is a must have product in your daily skin regimen."


Olivia Parker, 44, Provo, Utah


"I'm in my early 50s and the dark circles and bags under my eyes have been developing slowly over the last ten years. A few years ago, I had tried the cheap approach to the bags (the ol' Preparation H) and didn't notice a bit of change. Short of surgery, I had essentially accepted them as a fact of life.

Then, as part of a new skincare regime, I bought BeautyBright+ Vitamin Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream to target this particular issue. The results were subtle at first and I wasn't sure if I was just imagining them or not, but after more than 3 weeks it's undeniable. This product has really delivered for me and I can't recommend it highly enough. I'm that impressed."


Sonya Weston, 54, Omaha, Nebraska


What will happen to your skin as you grow older?


What will happen to your skin as you grow older?

With aging, the outer skin layer (epidermis) thins, even though the number of cell layers remains unchanged. The number of pigment-containing cells (melanocytes) decreases. The remaining melanocytes increase in size. Aging skin looks thinner, paler, and clear (translucent).

Loss of muscle tone and thinning skin gives the face a flabby or drooping appearance. In some people, sagging jowls may create the look of a double chin. Your skin also dries out and the underlying layer of fat shrinks so that your face no longer has a plump, smooth surface. To some extent, wrinkles cannot be avoided


How does BeautyBright+ Vitamin Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream work?

With 10X concentrated repair technology, it effectively reduces dark circles, puffiness, fine lines while promoting the hydration and moisture. Formulated to smooth wrinkles, remove dark circles and eye bags, and revitalizes crow’s feet, instantly providing a visible lift for young looking skin. Proven and tested to be skin friendly.


BeautyBright+ Vitamin Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream is known for its lifting effect, as it freezes wrinkles and expression lines. It contains hyaluronic acid and amino acids which contribute to skin looking plumped, healed, and hydrated, with improved elasticity. It also contains elastin, retinol and tocopherol.


2 Key Ingredients for an effective eye cream:

  1. Vitamin Essence
  2. Sodium Hyaluronate

Vitamin essence 

An antioxidant and anti-aging effects revitalize and purify the facial skin and neck. Ideal for mature, sensitive or greasy skin as well as those with impurities. Vitamin essence is ideal for mature, sensitive or greasy skin as well as those with impurities, as a foundation cream and as a night treatment.


Sodium Hyaluronate 

Protects skin ulcers, burns, or wounds from irritation so that the skin can heal properly. Some products are also used to help relieve itching and pain from various skin conditions. Hyaluronate is the same as a natural substance that is found in your body.


This is why BeautyBright+ Vitamin Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream is so special:

  • Smooths and brightens the skin under and around the eyes
  • Absorbs quickly to rejuvenate the delicate eye area for bright, lifted and youthful-looking eyes
  • Helps reinforce the look of skin in the face and neck to minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles while locking in moisture
  • Regain your youth
  • Ideal for all skin types and safe even for sensitive or reactive skin
  • Suitable for men and women


Take a look at Heather’s eye transformation journey and how she was able to eliminate those dark circles and wrinkles that are starting to appear:


Day 1

I used to have dark eye bags and fine lines around my eyes. I live a stressful life as a pediatric surgeon. As you can see from the picture, I was able to lighten the dark circles for only a few days of use! The skin on my eyes are still quite dry but at least I don’t need to worry about the dark circles around my eyes anymore.


Day 3

With continued use, I was able to improve the hydration of the skin on my eye orbit (where your eyebags develop) and the skin around my eyes. I still have fine lines but at least the skin around my eyes have significantly moisturized.

Day 7

The skin around my eyes is already bright and looks very hydrated. Also,my fine lines and crow’s eyes have completely disappeared! The continuous hydration really helped eliminate those signs of aging. I feel much younger and I love what I see in the mirror all the time now! Great product! I love it!


Heather Gray, 38, Greenbay, Wisconsin


This Cream saves you tons of money!

BeautyBright+ Vitamin Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream all natural ingredients are carefully made to make a huge impact not only to your skin but also saves you tons of money in the long run. You will no longer be needing costly makeup to cover those dark circles and under eye bags and those harmful and expensive surgeries.


Originally Anti-aging Skin (Dermatologist) only available clinically

With this product you can avoid expensive sessions, time consuming appointments and you can use this serum at your home that can save transportations fare.


How to Use:

  1. Clean your face. Evenly apply around the eye then gently push out to the left and right.
  2. Use the index finger to massage from the bottom to the upper eye. 
  3. Massage until the eye cream is fully absorbed by the skin.



  • Ingredients:  Vitamin Essence, Sodium Hyaluronate


Package Inclusion: 

  • 1 x BeautyBright+ Vitamin Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream

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